Okay, we get it! You work for This Paranormal Life!

30-second read

Clearly you don’t get it, because if you did you’d know This Paranormal Life is the coolest podcast on Earth. Mine is obviously the coolest podcast series on Earth (besides Lolita Podcast of course. Maybe third behind My Year in Mensa.).

But I’m not just writing this to plug my favourite podcasts, and these vicious rumours that I’m obsessed with Jamie Loftus are baseless and defamatory.

If I was just tryng to cram in podcast pulgs I’d definitely bring up Well There’s Your Problem, You’re Wrong About or Three Bean Salad. I wouldn’t be able to resist recommending Sabrina the Teenage Watch, S-Town or Black Men Can’t Jump [in Hollywood]. But I’m not. This is a serious blog post.

If you’re already a TPL listener thank you so much for coming to investigate my podcast. If you don’t know why that’s funny you should probably just go and listen to This Paranormal Life. Like, now.

I mean it.



The differences between dolphins and porpoises (and how you can be cool to both)