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I’m Amy Grisdale and this is my podcast. It’s all about my favourite things in the world - dolphins.

I love everything about them. I saw them with my own eyes for the first time when I was 12 and from that moment on all I wanted to do was be around dolphins. And I want to share the joy of these incredible animals with you.

But I need to be clear. I don’t agree with keeping them in captivity. I think it’s cruel. If you agree then this is the podcast for you.

If you disagree, please listen to the show anyway. Even if it’s just to shake your head derisively as I spout my hippy babble. I’ve got a lot of important things to tell you that you might not already know that could change your mind.

The podcast is packed with bizarre dolphin history, insider trainer secrets and more dolphin facts than any reasonable person would ever need. So, why aren’t you already listening?