Not to be rude, but who even are you?

One-minute read

Literally nobody. Most of my time is spent typing at my laptop. That’s what I’m doing right now. I’m primarily a writer these days. I’ve been writing for magazines, books and one-off publications since 2014.

If you’ve seen my name maybe you’ve read something of mine. You’ll see me on the How it Works expert panel from time to time, or maybe your kid will bring one of my animal non-fiction books home on World Book Day.

If you’ve heard my name it’s probably because I get mentioned on the podcast This Paranormal Life unexpectedly frequently. I find it absolutely delightful. It’s my favourite podcast and it’s an honour to be able to contribute and get thanked every week. They once publicly challenged me to bend a spoon. I did it, naturally.

If I seem familiar maybe you’ve met me in real life. I’ve lived in a lot of different countries and worked in tourism. You might have been on one of my whale watch trips or seen me give a presentation. Special shout out to any who’s met me on a ferry. There’s even a slim chance you’ve seen me do stand-up.

I’ve also been on You’ve Been Framed, though as I was only three (but with a strong Yorkshire accent) I doubt even the eagle-eyed (or bat-eared) among you would recognise me from that. I’m just proud of it.

Most of you won’t have heard of me (I’m talking 99.9999999% here) but that’s okay. Look out for my name in the future though, because I’ve got big plans.


Which dolphins don’t have dorsal fins, please?


The BEST places to see dolphins (in my humble opinion)